Your body is similar to a moving chain, with head to feet linked together by joints, and supported by bones and soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, etc.). If one part of this chain is affected, so are the supporting parts throughout the body. In this sense, your feet can have a big influence on you as a whole, especially considering their position at the body’s foundation. So, when foot imbalance is present, there is negative impact on the knees, hips, pelvis, and spine. As a result, a chain reaction of improper alignment and instability throughout the body can occur.
Similarly, a positive balance throughout the body can occur through this chain reaction as well. In fact, when the muscles and joints within your body are in physical balance, you will function most efficiently overall. In striving to reach peak efficiency, it is important to keep in mind that eliminating or reducing pain in one part of your body often requires treatment in a different area altogether – that chain reaction in action!
For example, the pain you feel in your neck could be caused by a misalignment in your spine due to unbalanced positioning in your feet. However, stabilizing and balancing your feet will improve overall body performance, reduce pain and contribute to your total body wellness. This is the goal of our providing custom orthotics – to address your unique imbalances and allow optimum stability of your feet and the positive reaction this will have on the rest of your body.