Question: What is a custom orthotic?
Answer: A custom orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look like insoles, but are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. Custom orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your eyes – they reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet back into proper alignment. The plastic body of the custom orthotic helps to re-align the foot by redirecting and reducing certain motion that takes place during the gait cycle. Custom orthotics fit into your shoes as comfortably as an insole – and they have the advantage of having been made from precise imprints of your feet.
Question: How can orthotics help me?
Answer: Orthotics support your foot and ankle during weight-bearing movements like walking, running, skiing and more. These custom insoles align the joints within the foot providing stability and comfort. This allows for more normalized weight distribution throughout your body, significantly reducing your pain and discomfort and helping to prevent injuries like shin splints. In addition, when one area of our body is affected, a chain reaction occurs throughout the body. So, if the foundation of your body is stabilized through correcting imbalances in your feet, you will promote overall body stability.
Question: Who would benefit from a custom foot orthotics/exam?
Answer: In my years of practice I have found many people who don’t realize that they are a candidate for orthotics. They may have biomechanical faults or their arches may have “fallen”. This is an unfortunate result of aging for many of us where we gain weight and lose muscle tone. In many cases these people have not yet experienced any of the pain syndromes associated with “bad feet”. It’s really just a question of time. Our exam process can reveal problems before they start.
Once there is enough joint irritation and some cases degeneration the pain signals will begin. Conversely there are some people who already suffer from foot, shin, knee, hip or back pain. These people are obvious candidates for an orthotic/exam. Either way, our process will help determine what your unique needs are and a solution will be recommended.
Question: Do Custom Foot Orthotics require special shoes?
Answer: Since the orthotic insole supports the foot and the shoe supports the foot and orthotic, you will find that choosing a better quality shoe will improve the effectiveness of your custom insole.
This custom foot orthotic can be made to fit easily in most shoes; however, those with removable insoles that have good support work best. In addition, a thinner shoe insole can also be designed to fit dress shoes. One of the best shoe types to target is a comfortable shoe designed for walking – it has a round toe box, laces and a firm heel area.
Question: What do I need to bring for an appointment?
Answer: Clinical Procedure
- You will need to bring in the shoes you plan to use. Our suggestion is a pair of shoes you “like” to wear and a pair of shoes you may “have to” wear. We will evaluate these shoes and make suggestions.
- You will be evaluated by Dr. Rob and your feet digitally scanned to determine what type of foot orthotic or insole will benefit you most.
- If you have an insurance plan that covers custom orthotics, in most cases you will need a doctor’s prescription slip. Please obtain this before your first visit.
- All questions will be gladly reviewed/answered by calling our office (519)736-5353 prior to your appointment
Question: How long does it take to receive my orthotics?
Answer: Depending on the results of your exam, your custom foot orthotics may be made onsite and in this case the process would take 1 business day. If it is determined that your needs require off site manufacturing through our partner, The Orthotic Group, this process would require additional time; however, a fast and efficient turnaround is promised.
Question: What is the one visit custom orthotic we offer?
Answer: It is a directly formed foot supportive devise that, when worn in shoes, positions the feet in proper biomechanical alignment to alleviate pain in your feet, heels, knees and throughout your body. Your custom foot orthotics and supports are made to the specific contours and structural characteristics of your feet. This method is currently used in hundreds of hospitals and clinics, as well as, over 50 top NCAA college athletic programs and in every major professional sport including our very own Detroit Lions and Tigers. Olympic training centers and 20 of the top 50 ATP Tour (Tennis) players also utilize Fastech orthotics. Today, this same custom process is available at Orthotics Now in Amherstburg.
Question: When should I wear my custom orthotics?
Answer: The longer you wear your custom orthotics the more benefit you will get out of them. If your daily activities vary to the extent that you change your footwear, then you should have a second pair of custom orthotics designed for that specific activity. (I.e. going to the gym after work)
Question: Why do my new custom orthotics feel uncomfortable?
Answer: We have to remember what the new orthotic is doing. Over time your feet have formed biomechanical faults. As the custom orthotic works to correct or remold your foot, some pain may be present much like a new exercise program would make your muscles sore when you are not used to it. For this reason custom orthotics should be worn in two hour intervals and slowly extend the wear time over a period of two weeks.
Question: Will my muscles in my feet get weaker wearing a custom orthotic?
Answer: Custom orthotics will not reduce muscles tone. They will help position your foot so you will be using the right muscles at the right time, minimizing fatigue and allowing your muscles to be used more efficiently.
Question: Should I take my custom orthotics along when I buy new shoes?
Answer: Yes – if the shoes are appropriate for that style of insole. Custom orthotics are most effective when used in shoes with good construction, fit, and condition. By bringing along your custom orthotics it can help you choose the proper shoe for you – if a shoe can’t accommodate an orthotic which has been custom made for your foot, then that shoe is not the proper size or shoe for you.
Question: Do my custom insoles require special care?
Answer: It is advisable to remove them from your shoes at night, especially if your feet perspire excessively, or if your footwear gets wet. Let them and your shoes dry completely before wearing them again. Surface dirt can be removed with a damp cloth as needed. Make sure to dry the surface thoroughly, even on moisture-resistant styles.
Question: How long can I expect my custom orthotics to be effective?
Answer: Like wearing eyeglasses, your specific prescription for orthotics may change to reflect the way your body changes over time. For this same reason, we recommend an annual re-exam to confirm that your custom insoles are still providing the best support for you.
Question: How can I make an appointment with Dr. Rob Neposlan of Orthotics Now and Family Chiropractic Wellness Centres?
Answer: Dr. Robert Neposlan, a practicing Chiropractor since 1996, can solve your foot support needs for everything from everyday walking to the most intense athletes. Dr. Rob was trained by the father of this advanced technology and product, Glenn Cumberland (Fastech Labs), who was awarded a patent for the process used to make custom foot orthotics and shoe insoles. He has also partnered with The Orthotic Group who have developed the advanced gait scan technology also used with every patient. You can make an appointment to consult with Dr. Rob by calling 519-736-5353.